Employees - Past Announcements

Laptop with FSU important announcement email on screen

Official emails from FSU have a new from address. Add message.fsu.edu to your safe senders list to ensure you don’t miss out on important university messages.

2020 Virtual Summer Research Day Flyer

CRE is excited to announce that the 2020 Virtual Summer Research Day will be held on Wednesday, July 22, 2020!

UROP Research Mentor Information Flyer

The CRE is hosting virtual info sessions for faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and campus partners to learn more about the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)!

Office of the Vice President for Research

The FSU Office for Clinical Research Advancement (OCRA) is working to facilitate more research opportunities for faculty with our community clinical partners.

Faculty and Staff Discount Voucher

The Challenger Learning Center is offering a $10 discount on all virtual summer camps to all FAMU and FSU faculty and staff!

DIRECTO's 3rd Annual Symposium

DIRECTO, the Diversity & Inclusion in Research & Teaching Organization at FSU, cordially invites proposals from all students, faculty, alumni, staff, and post docs, from FSU, FAMU, TCC, and the surrounding community for its third annual Fall Symposium.

Get an Additional 25% Off Clearance Items at the FSU Bookstore

Enjoy an additional 25% off clearance items from the FSU Bookstore, in-store and online.

ITS Voice of the Community campaign

Information Technology Services (ITS) is continuing to improve the IT experience at FSU, even during remote operations, thanks to feedback received in the 2019 Voice of the Community campaign.

An instructor panel discussion on the impact of free, digital and copyright compliant Open Educational Resources in the classroom

Join us Friday June 12 at 12pm for a panel discussion on the impact of free, digital and copyright compliant Open Educational Resources (OER) in the classroom. Instructors from varying institutions and disciplines will share their experiences in making the switch to OER. Attendees will learn more about a wide-ranging approach to OER and recognize pathways for making their course materials open and affordable.

Do you have questions about OER or need help? Visit our virtual OER Office hours on June 26 at 12pm for support in finding OER content, understanding licensing, and learning more about the tools and practices for successful OER adoption.

FSU Seal

General announcement emails will resume sending to all students, faculty and staff effective June 11, 2020 via announcements.fsu.edu.