
University Announcements is Florida State University’s go-to place for university notices and memorandums. Managed by Information Technology Services and University Communications, it serves as a hub for notable announcements, reminders and information of interest to the campus community. The site is often updated daily, making it easy to share and keep up with university information. In addition to the website, weekly email digests are sent to the entire university every Thursday—one to students and one to faculty and staff—highlighting timely announcements and featured events. These announcement emails are designed to compile and communicate minor announcements, while significant or immediate university announcements may still be sent via “Important Announcement” emails. For more information, visit the ITS Weekly University Announcements webpage.

Emergency Notices

University announcements are not intended for emergency communications. Emergency notices should be distributed via FSU ALERT—Florida State University's emergency notification system—according to university emergency communication processes.

Request an Account

Before you can submit an announcement, you must request an account be set up. Click the Request this Service button below to request an announcement account and enter the following information in the web form.

Subject: University Announcements
Description: Provide a brief description as to why you want to post announcements
Attach File: Upload an approval email from your dean, director, department head or vice president designating you as a contributor for your college or department


Submit an Announcement

After you have set up an account, you may sign in and post an announcement. To get started, please reference the University Announcements Tip Sheet.

NOTE: Announcements must be submitted by close of business Tuesday to be included in that week’s email.