Students - Past Announcements

Robin Spielberg From the Heart — Give My Regards to Broadway

Spielberg is hailed as one of America’s most popular contemporary female pianists and composers. Student tickets are $10.

FSUshadow Spring Break 2022 banner

Are you interested in learning more about what a day in the life of a career that interests you is like? Do you want the chance to test drive a job before taking on full-time or intern responsibilities? Sign up for FSUshadow’s Spring Break session where you can connect with employers and do just that for a one-day job shadowing experience.  

FSU Logo

As part of the effort to establish a Center for Quantum Science and Engineering at Florida State University, the Office of Research Development is hosting a two-day symposium March 4 and 5, 2022, with the goal of highlighting the breadth of research activities across campus in this forefront area of critical national importance.

Master's in Four Competition Banner

Master's students who have earned at least 18 hours of graduate coursework are invited to participate in the 4th Annual Master’s in Four Virtual Competition. Monetary prizes will be awarded to winners selected by the judges.

Student in red kayak paddling in shallow water

Hey, Noles, more Outdoor Pursuits are coming to you this Spring! Registration opens at 10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 21. Visit for more information.

Opening Nights FSU Presents The Price is Right Live

The Price is Right Live comes to the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center Sunday, April 3.

Art Award Applications

Application deadline EXTENDED: The Student Excellence in Visual Arts Awards are given to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students for work of exceptional artistic achievement. You still have time to submit your application today!

Office of Research Development

If you are seeking assistance with finding funding for your research projects, the Office of Research Development (ORD) invites you to attend our virtual interactive webinar “Finding Funding 101” from 2-3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16.

FSU Seal

The Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) Planning Committee warmly invites you to a discussion about the future of NAIS at FSU from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25. The discussion will focus on what a NAIS Center would look like, what it would cover, and what you consider essential to such a center’s mission. See below to register.

Opening Nights

As COVID-19 continues to impact tours across the country, the following artists have canceled their performances this season: Meklit (Feb. 22) and An Evening with Itzhak Perlman (March 2).