Register to Vote!

Register to Vote Logo

This message has been approved by Dr. Amy Hecht, Vice President for Student Affairs for distribution to students.

Use your voice in the upcoming national election! Garnet & Gold Votes, a student voter initiative, encourages all eligible students to register to vote by October 9, 2018 in order to vote in the upcoming United States election on November 6.  Please visit for information regarding voter registration, address changes, and where to vote on Election Day.  Most voter registration is online for U.S citizens over the age of 18.  Florida residents can visit https://registertovoteflorida.gove/en/ with their Social Security # and Florida Driver’s License/ID.  Out of state students can visit to learn more about how to register to vote in their state.  Sponsored by the Student Government Association, SGA’s Office of Governmental Affairs, and Division of Student Affairs, Garnet & Gold Votes serves as a resource to enable students to be civically engaged!    

Article Date
September 28, 2018