Full Professor Spring Meeting

This message has been approved by Dr. Janet Kistner, Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, for distribution to faculty and staff.
In December of 2020, more than 60 Full Professors gathered via Zoom to talk about the “moral mandate” to shape the academy and mentor junior colleagues. Please join us on March 26 from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. as we join again virtually to consider how to contribute to campus climate change, healthy retention of colleagues, and opportunities for meaningful work.
There will be three break out rooms for discussion. These will be led by Full Professors Paul Marty (College of Communication and Information), Nicole Patton Terry (College of Education), and Dave Gussak (College of Fine Art). Participants will then convene for reporting and planning.
Break out rooms will focus on:
- Mentorship
- Service
- Campus Climate
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.