Campus Steam Outage
This message has been approved by Sadie Greiner, Interim Associate Vice President of Facilities, for distribution to all faculty and staff.
Saturday, May 6, at 10 a.m. through Sunday, May 14, at 4:00 p.m.
During this outage there will be no steam available on campus while we perform required maintenance. In general, there should be minimal impact on most of the campus community since steam is not generally needed for building heating at this time of year.
There are some specific areas that will be affected as they use steam for their operation, such as autoclaves. Building cooling will not be affected, but there may be some areas that will be cooler than normal due to steam being unavailable for tempering the cold air supply. If your workspace becomes uncomfortable such that it affects your performance, please contact the Service Center at 644-2424.
This annual outage is necessary to accomplish much-needed repairs and preventive maintenance work that cannot be done while the boilers are in operation and steam pipes are pressurized.
The entire steam outage will start on Saturday, May 6. At this time, the main steam system is anticipated to be online on Sunday, May 14th. In the event of inclement weather or unexpected complications, our schedule could be impacted which may delay the resumption of steam back to the campus. If the schedule changes, we will let people know.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. If there are any questions or concerns, please call the Service Center at 644-2424, or Trey Gossett, Interim Director of Utilities & Engineering Services at 644-1725.