PIE Virtual Coffee Hour & Teaching Workshop

This message has been approved by Dr. Lisa Liseno, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, for distribution to students, faculty and staff.
Online Assessment: Exploring the Intricacies of Proctored Testing and Alternatives
In the world of online education, assessment of student competency can be a challenging detail in your overall course design. It is important to choose the variety of testing—proctored, open book, etc.—that is best suited for your class and your course learning objectives. This workshop features speakers from FSU’s Office of Distance of Learning who will discuss testing tools such as Honorlock, as well as alternatives to online proctored assessment and tips for ensuring online academic integrity.
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/PIE-7-22-20 (you’ll receive the Zoom link the day before the workshop)
*Attendance at all PIE workshops count towards the requirements for earning an Advanced PIE Teaching Recognition, and the nationally recognized PFF and PFP certificates - all a great addition to your professional experience & CV!
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