Humanities Fellowship Application Workshop

Office of Faculty Development and Advancement

This message has been approved by Dr. Janet Kistner, Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, for distribution to faculty and staff.

On Friday, March 13, the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement will host an application workshop for all faculty interested in applying for the 

NEH Fellowship

the National Humanities Center Fellowship and

the American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship (ACLS):  

These three fellowships and their applications are very similar.  Come to the application workshop to learn reasons to apply for all three, understand better what reviewers are looking for, and begin planning your application.  

Register Here

Due Dates for Humanities Applications:

ACLS Fellowship – September 2020 

Humanities Center Fellowship – October 2020

NEH Fellowship – April 8, 2020

Article Date
February 26, 2020