Are you #ElectionReady?

This message has been approved by Paige Rentz, for distribution to faculty and staff.
Faculty and staff, please see the following message from Leon County Supervisor of Elections Mark Early containing important information about registering to vote and voting on campus and in Leon County as the Oct. 7 voter registration deadline approaches.
As Supervisor of Elections for Leon County, I want to make sure you are Election Ready for the November 5 General Election. Please take a minute to read this information so you will be prepared to vote.
If you have any questions, visit our website at, or give us a call at 850-606-8683. We will be happy to take your call and help you get registered and vote!
Voter Registration
If you live in Leon County to attend FSU you likely can register and vote here. For additional information on where you can register, please visit our Student Voter webpage.
- To register and vote in Leon County you must meet these requirements:
- Be a citizen of the United States of America
- Be at least 18 years old (or 16 to preregister)
- Live in Leon County
- Not be adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting without having the right to vote restored
- Not be convicted of a felony without having your right to vote restored
The voter registration deadline for the General Election is October 7. You must be registered to vote in Florida by this date to vote in the election.
The easiest way to register is by using Florida’s Online Voter Registration System, Using this site, you can register online in just minutes. If you are already registered in Florida, you can use the same website to update your existing Florida voter registration.
Ways to Vote
You can vote in the General Election using any of these methods: Early, on Election Day, or by Mail.
Early Voting
The FSU Student Union is an Early Voting site! You can vote there on Monday, October 21 through Sunday, November 3, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This is likely the most convenient and accessible way for you to cast your ballot. Visit our Early Voting page to learn more.
Voting on Election Day
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Election Day, you must vote at your assigned polling place. You can only vote at the Student Union on Election Day if it is your assigned polling place. You can find your polling place on your Voter Information Card. You can also look it up online using our Voter Information Lookup or by calling us at (850) 606-8683.
If you want to Vote-by-Mail, you must first request a ballot. The easiest way is by using our online Mail Ballot Request form. The deadline to request to be mailed a ballot is October 24, but we encourage you to submit your request as soon as possible. Visit our Vote-by-Mail page to learn more about voting by mail.
Voter ID
When you vote in person, you must present a physical current and valid ID. Valid IDs include a Florida driver’s license, Florida ID card, student ID, or a debit or credit card. The ID must include your photo, and if it does not include your signature, you must present an additional ID that includes your signature. Visit our Voter ID page to learn more.
Sample Ballots
You can view your sample ballot by using our Voter Information Lookup. This way, you will know the specific races and candidates that will appear on your actual ballot. The General Election ballot includes six proposed amendments to Florida’s Constitution, and residents of Tallahassee will see five proposed amendments to the City Charter on their ballot.
Help us avoid lines at the polls! We encourage you to research these amendments before you arrive so you will be prepared to cast your ballot. You can learn more on our Proposed Amendments webpage.
I hope this information helps you to be #ElectionReady for the 2024 General Election! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at or (850) 606-8683.
Mark S. Earley
Leon County Supervisor of Elections