Excellence in Online Teaching Award

This message to all faculty and staff has been approved by Robert J. Fuselier, director of the Office of Distance Learning, for distribution to faculty and staff.
Over the next few weeks, the Provost’s Office will collect nominations for FSU’s annual teaching awards, including nominations for a relatively new award category: excellence in online teaching. The award recognizes outstanding and innovative teaching in distance learning courses.
- To be eligible, the nominee must have developed a distance learning course that passed a Quality Matters review or was certified through the FSU Online Quality Initiative.
- Winners of the Excellence in Online Teaching award who have developed a course that meets standards for high quality will be eligible for a state-level Florida Quality award.
If you are interested in pursuing a Florida Quality award and have not had your online course reviewed for high quality, contact the Office of Distance Learning at odl-quality@fsu.edu. Instructional development faculty will work with you to review your course and ensure it meets Florida standards for high-quality online design.
You can find more information about FSU teaching awards in last week’s 2023-2024 Teaching and Advising Awards announcement, including a link to submit nominations.
Questions? Visit us on the web at odl.fsu.edu, sign up for our newsletter, call 850-644-8004 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, or submit a ticket to ODL Technical Support.