Weekly Writing Retreats for Faculty

Office of Faculty Development and Advancement

This message has been approved by Dr. Janet Kistner, Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, for distribution to faculty and staff.

Weekly Writing Retreats

It probably makes sense to all of us that regular times dedicated to writing produces ample research for promotion, tenure, and more.  But how does a faculty member expected to teach, mentor, and provide service to the university and beyond make sure that regular writing time happens?  A commitment to a group of your peers to meet and write in camaraderie has made regular writing times a reality for many FSU faculty.  In Writing in Social Spaces (2015), Rowena Murray writes: "...ignoring other people’s demands in order to write is accompanied by the development of relationships with others who write" (95)  Why don’t you come make those relationships with other writers this semester? 

Mondays, 12:45 – 5:00, Dirac Science Library

Wednesdays, 8:30 – noon, Norwood Reading Room in Strozier Library

Thursdays, 8:30 – noon, Turnbull Conference Room in Bellamy Building

Weekly Writing Registration

Article Date
January 28, 2020