
Thank-a-Professor flyer. QR code to access submission form is at the bottom left.

This message has been approved by Dr. Leslie Richardson, Director, Center for the Advancement of Teaching, for distribution to students.

We are quickly approaching the season when we stop, reflect, and give thanks. During your time at FSU, has a professor mentored you, inspired you to pursue a new field, or ignited a love of learning? Has a professor taken care to make a great learning experience for you despite all of the challenges during the pandemic? 

Here’s an opportunity for you to say “Thanks!”

Each professor you honor will receive special recognition from the Center for the Advancement of Teaching, in a letter conveying the “thank you” messages from students.

Your “thank you” messages mean a lot—your faculty are very moved when they receive thanks from their students, and hear that their work matters to you.

Visit to offer your appreciation.

Article Date
October 11, 2021