Spring Writing Intensives for Faculty

Office of Faculty Development and Advancement

This message has been approved by Dr. Janet Kistner, Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, for distribution to faculty and staff.

There comes a point when a writing project needs daily attention. Perhaps for you it is the beginning of a project long procrastinated; perhaps it is the finishing of a project with a deadline. The FSU Faculty Writing Intensives provide daily writing time to  maintain intense short-term focus. Choose between four full days of writing or five half days, but don’t delay. As meals are provided, space is limited.

Spring Break, March 16 – 19, 9:00 – 4:00, breakfast and lunch provided, HSF

April 13 – 17, 8:00 – noon, breakfast provided, Pepper Building

Writing Intensive Registration

Article Date
February 26, 2020