Required Kognito Training Reminder

This message to all employees has been approved by Dr. Sally McRorie, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff.
As previously communicated, the Florida Board of Governors (BOG) has contracted with Kognito and implemented their At-Risk for Faculty and Staff online training.
This simulation-based training gives us all a better understanding of how to identify students who need additional support and direct them to help. As an FSU employee, you may be the first one to notice signs of distress in a student. It is important that you are prepared to respond to such concerns. The training should take approximately 45 minutes to complete, depending on your level of engagement, and is considered work time.
The BOG requires this training for all state university employees (faculty and staff) and has now clarified that the requirement does apply to OPS employees including:
- Adjunct Faculty
- Graduate Assistants
- Resident Assistants
- Temporary OPS (non-student)
OPS employees exempt from this training include:
- Short-term OPS student appointments
- Federal Work Study
- OPS employees working fewer than three months
This training MUST be completed by January 22, 2021, in advance of the BOG required reports on completion. All Universities are expected to have a 100% completion rate.
Instructions for completing the training are listed below. We thank you in advance for your compliance with this important BOG requirement.
- Visit the Kognito webpage on the FSU University Counseling Center's website.
- Sign in with your FSU account credentials.
- Launch Kognito's At-Risk for Faculty and Staff mental health awareness training.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the training simulations.
- Receive your Certificate of Completion at the end of the training.
Training completions will be transferred daily from the Kognito system into OMNI. OMNI HR query FSU_HR_TRN_BOG_KOGNITO is available to assist departments with monitoring department completions.
If you have technical questions about the training, please contact University Counseling Center Kognito liaison, Jaymee Spannring, at For questions about the training query, please contact Sandra Dixon at