Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) TA and Instructional Support

This message has been approved by Dr. Lisa Liseno, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, for distribution to students, faculty and staff.
The Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) is offering several ways to support FSU Teaching Assistants (TAs) and instructional staff in the move of many courses from a face-to-face to online format amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.
PIE Community Online Teaching Support Canvas Site
The PIE Program has launched a new Canvas organizational site that serves to provide teaching assistants (TAs) and instructional staff from across campus the opportunity to find peer community and support while more courses are being offered in an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources include virtual office hours where visitors can connect via Zoom to PIE Teaching Associate TAs from a variety of different disciplines to discuss challenges, brainstorm ideas, share tips, and receive referrals to additional resources to assist in the online teaching transition. Video tutorials, discipline specific online teaching tips, and links to a variety of resources available at FSU and beyond, are also located on this site. Anyone can self-enroll in this Canvas site via this URL:
Upcoming Fall 2020 Virtual PIE Teaching Workshops
The Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) will continue offering its year-round series of teaching workshops virtually. Workshops are open to instructional staff to assist them in creating the optimal learning environment for their students. See below for PIE’s two virtual workshops offered in September:
Title: Making Learning Inclusive with Universal Design
Date & Time: Wednesday 9/2, 3-4:30pm (via Zoom)
Workshop Facilitator: Dr. John L. Crow, Office of Distance Learning, FSU
Description: Universal design (UD) for learning involves creating course materials that are usable by all people without needing to make accommodations to your course design. Join us in a this workshop facilitated by Dr. John Crow, from the FSU Office of Distance Learning (ODL), to earn about the principles and practice of universal design, how to make your Canvas site and digital course content accessible, and how tools like Bb Ally help make the process easier.
Register to attend:
Title: Lowstakes Online Evaluation
Date & Time: Tuesday 9/15, 2-3:30pm (via Zoom)
Workshop Facilitator: Dr. Kevin Dixon, Department of Biological Science, FSU
Description: This workshop will cover issues related to student feedback and evaluation, particularly in online and in STEM classes (but instructional staff from all areas are welcome). We will consider types of evaluation and their relationship to both learning goals and student perceptions. Specifically, we will discuss how to give meaningful feedback while avoiding student discouragement. In addition, we will look at some simple Canvas functionality that can be particularly valuable during online instruction. Participants will design and share evaluation material relevant to their teaching.
Register to attend: