Portal is Open! Build an Engage 100 Experience for Incoming Students

Portal is Open!  Build an Engage 100 experience for incoming students.

This message has been approved by Dr. Karen Laughlin, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, for distribution to students, faculty and staff.

College is a place for educational and personal growth, a place where students begin finding their place in the world.  FSU has a new initiative called Engage 100 to help our student navigate this important transition.

Some programs have already been approved, but we need more to reach our goal! We are hoping that 100% of our incoming students will have access to participate in an Engage 100 experience. What will you offer to your students?

We want each college, school, department or program to consider building an Engage 100 experience for their incoming students.  These experiences should be small, mentor-guided group opportunities, centered on a particular topic or curriculum that will assist them in acclimating to university life. Review the various options available to you here and then let Undergraduate Studies help you design and implement your very own Engage 100 experience.

Read about the Engage 100 Program here: "Engage 100: Connecting students beyond the classroom."

Article Date
November 13, 2018