PIE Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Nominations

This message has been approved by Dr. Mark Riley, Dean of the Graduate School, for distribution to students, faculty and staff.
The Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) is seeking nominations for awards recognizing graduate student teaching assistants (TAs) for their distinguished contributions to undergraduate student learning through excellence in instruction.
Nominations are invited from all currently enrolled FSU students, faculty, and staff. If you feel that a teaching assistant (TA) has made a significant contribution to the quality of teaching and learning at Florida State University, then please nominate this student for an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (OTAA). Nominations must be received on or before 11:59 PM, Sunday, January 20, 2019. Click here to nominate a TA!
For more information about the award and nomination process please click here (Or visit our PIE website at: http://pie.fsu.edu/outstanding-teaching-assistant-award/nominate-ta-teaching-award)
OTAA recipients will be recognized at the Celebration of Graduate Student Excellence on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 3pm at the FSU Alumni Center.