ODL Offers Spring Option for Quality Matters Workshop

This message has been approved by Robert Fuselier, Director of the Office of Distance Learning, for distribution to all faculty and staff.
The Office of Distance Learning (ODL) subscribes to the Quality Matters (QM) Higher Education Rubric with the goal of developing quality online courses. QM provides rubrics, combined with training and resources, to help ensure quality across courses and institutions.
ODL is pleased to offer the QM workshop “Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR)” for Spring 2021. Because we can provide this training in-house, it is free for participants; previously, it cost $200 per person for individuals from member institutions. All FSU faculty, graduate assistants, and staff are welcome to participate. The workshop is capped at 20 participants.
This three-week, asynchronous workshop is scheduled for Jan. 7, 2021. The time commitment for the workshop is about 5-10 hours per week. Participants will learn about the QM Rubric and its use in reviewing the design of online and blended courses. At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to apply the underlying principles of the QM Rubric and concept of alignment and draft helpful recommendations for course improvement.
“Learning how to apply the rubric to classes to determine if they meet Quality Matters standards equips faculty and staff with the knowledge to develop and assess their own online courses and those in their academic programs, ensuring high-quality course offerings for our FSU student body,” said Dr. Kerry Burner, ODL Instructional Development Faculty. Burner is a QM Certified Online Facilitator and will facilitate the workshop. Please contact her at kburner@fsu.edu to register for the session.