NVivo Pro research software available at no cost to support student research

This message has been approved by Ken Johnson, Senior Director UTAIS Information Technology Services, for distribution to all students.
Working on finishing your thesis? Needing to back up your research with evidence-based findings? NVivo is the tool for you.
NVivo is the most-used qualitative and mixed-methods data analysis software in academics and professional research. And now, thanks to Student Technology Fee funding, the software is available to FSU students, faculty and departments at no cost. NVivo can be easily downloaded and installed on your personal computer via the ITS Software Store, saving you lots of money and lots of trips to campus. Your download is good for one academic year and can be reactivated each fall if needed. NVivo also seamlessly integrates with other research tools already available at FSU—such as Qualtrics and SPSS—to help you conquer your research like never before.
To download and install NVivo, visit the ITS Software Store.