Microsoft Power BI Premium Available to FSU Departments

Microsoft Power BI Premium | Transform the way you analyze data

This message has been approved by Jorge Vidal, ITS Director of Data and Analytics, for distribution to faculty and staff.

Accurate data can help improve course delivery, secure grant funding, hire new faculty, identify profitable (and unprofitable) programs and more. Sorting through troves of university statistics to find accurate and actionable data, however, can be cumbersome.

To help, Information Technology Services is introducing a new and improved enterprise analytics tool, Microsoft Power BI Premium.

With Power BI Premium, you can explore university data, extract valuable insights and trends and collaborate with other Florida State University Schools on the Power BI Premium platform. Its hands-on approach makes it easy to query student and administrative systems—including Student Central, myFSU Financials and myFSU Human Resources.

The new tool, which was just released at FSU, is already being used by many departments.

“Power BI's accessibility has laid the foundation for us to help our campus partners move from casual data users to true collaborators. It leverages their content expertise with our data analytics skills to improve data literacy and decision making.”
- Institutional Research Student Success Team

Power BI Premium’s intuitive, self-service reporting enables you to analyze and visualize data with ease. Identify patterns with the AI and machine learning functionality. Use the built-in visualization tools to display data in easy-to-understand charts, graphs and diagrams. Then, take advantage of the collaboration features to download or share reports and data sets with colleagues or universities while still maintaining a high level of data security.

While there are two versions of Power BI available at FSU—Power BI Pro and Power BI Premium—Power BI Premium is the superior tool for advanced analysis of university data. It delivers scalable computing power, more frequent data refreshes, secure collaboration and the ability to assign and approve role-based access. Microsoft Power BI Premium also offers an improved experience over the existing myFSU BI tool.

Microsoft Power BI Premium is available to faculty, staff and departments by request.

For more information or to request the service, visit the ITS enterprise analytics webpage.

Article Date
April 28, 2023