Look for the COACHE Survey

Office of Faculty Development and Advancement

This message has been approved by Janet Kistner, vice president for Faculty Development and Advancement for distribution to all faculty and staff.


What’s a COACHE year, you ask? This is a year in which FSU faculty get to record their satisfaction about their work environment. FSU has participated in Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education surveys every three years since 2015, and the 2024 survey launches during the week of February 5th. Please be on the lookout for an email inviting you to complete the survey. It’s a great opportunity to voice your opinion.

What is COACHE?

The COACHE survey is unique because it not only assesses levels of satisfaction of FSU faculty across multiple domains of their work, but also compares FSU data to a national cohort and a select group of peer institutions. The national cohort is comprised of more than 100 universities that complete the COACHE survey.

What difference has COACHE made at FSU?

Our last COACHE survey, administered in 2021, showed no official areas of concern, as defined by COACHE, but we did find two areas in need of improvement: 1) fostering interdisciplinary work; and 2) mentoring for associate professors. The 2021 results showed improvements in faculty satisfaction in both areas but also showed there was more work to be done. To address concerns raised by associate professors, listening sessions with associate professors were held to better understand the issues; based on their feedback, a series of workshops were created to support associate professors in their pursuit of promotion. Meetings with department chairs and deans have stressed the importance of mentoring for associate professors and the need for constructive feedback in annual letters on progress toward promotion. Similarly, work groups to facilitate interdisciplinary research and teaching continue to meet. These efforts are ongoing. We look forward to receiving faculty feedback about how FSU is doing in these areas as well as other areas of importance to our faculty.

You will receive an e-mail from COACHE (coachefaculty@abtsurvey.com), directing you to the online survey. The survey is easy to complete.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact James Hunt at jhunt@admin.fsu.edu or 850-644-4041, or COACHE at coachefaculty@abtassoc.com.

Article Date
February 07, 2024