July 30 is the Deadline to Register to Vote in the Primary Election in Florida on August 28

FSU Seal

This message has been approved by President John Thrasher for distribution to all students.

At Florida State University we take civic responsibility seriously.  Voting is perhaps the most important civic duty we have as Americans.  It is also one of the most satisfying.  I know I always feel proud and fulfilled when I walk out of the voting booth.

As I am sure you are aware, we are approaching the primary election in Florida on August 28.  Most of you are over 18 and are eligible to vote, but only if you are registered.  If you wish to vote in Leon County you need to register to vote in order to do so, and the deadline to register is July 30.  Please take the time to register before then if you have not already done so.  If you choose to vote at home rather than here, you must register in your home county.

Remember, if you don’t vote, then you haven’t participated in the one act that separates our nation from so many in the world.  Please register and vote!

Thank you.

John Thrasher, President

Article Date
July 20, 2018