Full Professor Workshop: What are the Ethical Obligations of Full Professors?

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Full Professor Workshop
What are the Ethical Obligations of Full Professors?
Tenured, full professors often have the chance to engage in activities that do not fit neatly into an annual summary of research, teaching, and service, or generate traditional lines on a CV.
What is the obligation of the full professor toward undertaking activities that do not offer traditional academic rewards? What is the obligation of the university in recognizing those activities? What is academia to do with work that is often invisible, unequal, visionary, interdisciplinary, or just plain altruistic yet personally meaningful and sometimes institutionally necessary? What does (or should) it mean to be a university professor?
Join us for an engaging discussion on Wednesday, December 9, at 10:00am.
Zoom link: https://fsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkdu2oqTgsG9bgfUgFMLut0_jYIQXl4xnN