FSUCML Lecture Series - Rebecca Means

Rebecca Means on March 21st at the FSUCML

This message has been approved by Maddie Mahood, Coastal and Marine Laboratory outreach and education coordinator for distribution to all students, faculty and staff

Join us for our third lecture of 2024 featuring Coastal Plains Institute Director Rebecca Means from 7-8 p.m. March 21. Admission is free, and no registration is necessary. Refreshments will be provided.

Lecture Title: "The Return of Striped Newts to Apalachicola National Forest"

Description: Rebecca Means is an ecologist and science educator with a passion for rock climbing, travel, and food. She has a B.S. degree in both Wildlife Ecology and Biology from Virginia Tech and an M.S. degree in Forestry from Texas A&M. As Director of the Coastal Plains Institute, Rebecca has worked with a wide range of species but her expertise is with the amphibians that inhabit temporary wetlands. Her current focus is involving the public in conservation and research efforts through an Adopt a Pond program, internships, and research site field trips.

The public, and especially school-aged children, are increasingly learning about conservation and ecological issues through digital media. Their connection with, and interest in, the natural world is gradually becoming a virtual one. If people love what they know and protect what they love then the first step is getting them outside to learn and care about their local wildlands. Coastal Plains Institute's research project to repatriate striped newts back to Apalachicola National Forest wetlands provides a unique opportunity for citizens to witness, and participate in, species and habitat restoration and recovery. This talk will introduce you to the unique amphibians that breed in ephemeral wetlands, how you can get involved in science research and conservation, the behind-the-scenes details of working with an imperiled species, and the fun we have along the way.


FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory 
3618 Coastal Hwy 98
St. Teresa, FL 32358


Zoom Option (though in-person attendance is encouraged!):


Website: https://marinelab.fsu.edu/outreach_education/lectures/

Article Date
February 27, 2024