FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory: Play for the Bay - Oct. 7
Durene Gilbert
DATE: October 7, 2022 at 10:00 am
VENUE: St. James Bay Golf Resort 151 Laughing Gull Lane Carrabelle, FL 32322
FORMAT: Four Person Select a Shot
PURPOSE: This golf event is being hosted by the FSUCML for the purpose of raising funds that reach beyond university and grant funding to ensure that sufficient monies are available to continue the mission of FSUCML, particularly as their work relates to the bays and estuaries along Florida's Forgotten Coast.
CONTACT: St. James Bay Golf Resort - info@stjamesbayresort.com, (864) 483 - 6862
Florida State University Coastal and Marine Lab - fsucml@fsu.edu, (850) 645 - 3474
WEBSITE: https://marinelab.fsu.edu/outreach_education/special-events/play-for-the-bay/