Florida Higher Education Substance Use Disorder Spring Symposium

This message has been approved by Dean Jim Clark, Dean and Professor, for distribution to students, faculty and staff.
Join the Center for the Study and Promotion of Communities, Families, and Children for a one-day symposium hosted by Florida State University on substance use disorders (SUD) featuring keynote speaker Captain Michael King SAMHSA Region 4 Administrator.
The Florida Higher Education Substance Use Disorder Consortium is a multi-university project led by FSU and the National Association of Social Work, Florida Chapter (NASW-FL) and Citrus Health Network, Inc. to develop a science-informed curriculum concentrated on substance use disorder and co-occurring mental disorders.
Contact: Ellen Piekalkiewicz (epiekalkiewicz@fsu.edu)
9:30 AM Registration & Poster Session
10:00 AM Welcome - Ellen Piekalkiewicz, Director, Center for the Study and Promotion of Communities, Families and Children
10:15 AM Keynote Speaker - Captain Michael King, Director, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Region 4
10:45 AM Research Presentations
Financing of Behavioral Health – Dr. Jeffrey Harmon, Professor, College of Medicine
Emerging Trends for Women with Substance Use Disorder– Dr. Tanya Renn, Assistant Professor, College of Social Work
FSU Recovery House, Angela Lauer Chong, Associate Vice-President for Student Affairs, Division of Student Affairs -
12:00 PM Lunch
Dr. James Clark, Dean and Professor, College of Social Work -
12:45 PM Substance Use Disorder in Young Adults - Dr. Jeffrey Ferraro, Medical Director, Capital Regional Behavioral Health Center
1:15 PM Florida Consortium Roundtable - Dr. Leslie Richardson, Director, Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Carol Campbell Edwards, Assistant Teaching Professor, College of Social Work
2:15 PM Q&A
Breakfast and lunch are provided. A vegetarian option is available.
Continuing education (CE) credits available (5 CEs)
Free parking is available in the adjacent lot at Turnbull Conference Center.
REGISTER AT: http://bit.ly/SUDHigherEdSymposium2020