Emmett Till Archives Lecture Series with Dr. Brandon M. Erby

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Join FSU Libraries and the Emmett Till Archives on Tuesday, March 28 at 5:30 p.m. in the Broad Auditorium, Claude Pepper Center, in a discussion about the “Educational Legacy of Mamie Till-Mobley” with Dr. Brandon M. Erby.
Dr. Erby is an Assistant Professor of Writing Rhetoric, and Digital Studies and an affiliated faculty member in African American and Africana Studies at the University of Kentucky. This talk traces the pedagogical performances of Till-Mobley—from her time on the NAACP speaking tour to her experiences as a Chicago schoolteacher and playwright—and insists that Till-Mobley was a fervent believer of two things: teaching others and promoting educational initiatives to make sure her son’s name remained culturally relevant.
To RSVP for the event, visit bitl.ly/TillSeries2023.