Discovery Days: Tools for Teams

This message has been approved by Beth Hodges, director of Research Development, for distribution to faculty and staff.
Join us Friday Oct. 6 from 8:45-9:45 a.m. at the Center for Advanced Power Systems during Discovery Days! This is part three of a three-part series on Innovation through Collaboration, offered by FSU Research Development.
Collaborating with others can be challenging at times but there are tools available that can make teamwork easier. This session, titled Tools for Teams: Resources to Aid Team Science and Strengthen Team Dynamics, will introduce attendees to several tools that can help establish shared expectations, determine research paths and can make working with others a pleasant and enjoyable experience. This workshop is informed by a GERMINATION project on best practices in team science funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), which was awarded to the Florida Research Development Alliance (FloRDA). Beth Hodges is a Principal Investigator on this grant, and Kassie Ernst served as a team member in the first cohort of the program.
The intended audience for this panel presentation includes researchers, staff or anyone who would like to have more effective team experiences.
Light breakfast will be provided and seating is limited. Pre-registration is required. REGISTER HERE.