CTSA Presentation: NIH Clinical Trials - Definition and Impacts

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This message has been approved by Jeffrey Joyce, Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, for distribution to faculty and staff.

The University of Florida/Florida State University Clinical and Translational Science Award Hub (UF/FSU CTSA) is providing educational sessions on research methods, policies and processes. The College of Medicine’s Division of Research is pleased to invite you to attend the presentation entitled: NIH Clinical Trials - Definition and Impacts on Oct. 13.

Tuesday, October 13  |  Noon - 1 p.m.
Join remotely via Zoom: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/97915572838
Katie Eddleton, MPH
Associate Director in the University of Florida’s
Office of Clinical Research

For more information on the UF/FSU CTSA, visit:

Article Date
October 07, 2020