2018 Max Carraway Employee of the Year Award

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This message has been approved by Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Finance & Administration Chief of Staff, for distribution to all faculty and staff.

Nominations for the Max Carraway Employee of the Year Award are due this Friday, April 13, 2018.

If you know a deserving USPS or A&P employee, nominate them by submitting a nomination form and a statement of 250 words or fewer describing how the employee has met or exceeded the award criteria.

The winner receives a reserved parking space for one year, a $1,000 stipend, and two seats in the President’s Box for a football game!

Nominations can be sent by email or campus mail to:

Office of Human Resources
Attn: Melissa McClellan
Mail Code: 2410
Email: melissa.mcclellan@fsu.edu

Questions?  Contact Melissa McClellan at melissa.mcclellan@fsu.edu or (850) 644-6602.

Article Date
April 11, 2018